Who we are
Weight Loss Experts: Transforming Lives
- UK trained Endocrinologists with expertise and interest in obesity medicine.
- Independent UK GMC registered prescribers in partnership with 1500 UK based pharmacies ensuring seamless delivery of approved medications.
- Online Questionnaire based free Consultation and E-prescription.
- Dispensing of drugs from within UK based network of pharmacies.
- FDA & NICE approved highly efficacious weight loss drugs with confirmed results based on clinical trials and practise.

(Semaglutide Injections)

- Once weekly, Self administered, under the skin injection
- Weight loss upto 15%, reducing cravings
- Monthly dose escalation
- 4 doses in 1 pen
- Same ingredient as in Ozempic
- Dosing from 0.25mg to 2.4mg once weekly
In-stock – From £130.00
(Tirzepatide Injections)

- Once weekly, self administered under the skin injection
- Weight loss upto 20% ,reduces cravings
- Minimal Gastrointestinal Side effects
- Monthly dose escalation
- 4 doses in 1 pen
- Same Ingredient as in Zepbound
- Dosing from 2.5mg to 15mg once weekly
In-stock – From £139.00
Your orders are shipped seamlessly within uk.
Medication will be delivered via tracked delivery.
Your payments are secure with our private security network.
Lifestyle interventions with diet and exercise are important to accelerate and maintain weight loss
How it works
Answer a few questions around your health so that your treatment can be prescribed by our healthcare professionals
Select a suitable treatment following your consultation.
Once consultation is approved, medication will be delivered directly from the pharmacy via tracked delivery.
Advances in Obesity Medicine
- Obesity is leading cause of many chronic diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes, Sleep Apnoea and Depression.
- FDA/NICE approved two “Blockbuster” drugs Tirzepatide and Semaglutide for weight loss .
- These once weekly injections suppress appetite and cause early satiety.
- Weight loss comparable to bariatric surgery can be achieved with these drugs (upto 20%) in 3-6months
Obesity is complex and there are a number of physiological factors which are responsible for weight gain.
A balanced and sensible diet is key to losing and maintaining a healthy weight.
Combining exercise with a healthy diet is a more effective way to lose weight than depending on calorie restriction alone.